Banona Studio | APAHM Flower Styleframes
Banona Studio is an international design and motion studio
motion graphics, illustration, styleframes
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APAHM Flower Designs



Style Frames


The challenge is to create decorative flower designs and animation for the APAHM campaign video. I created the illustration for each segment and created the border design for the animation.


Style frames

As an art director, I’ve made several variations of floral design borders for each of the people in the interview. The client provided a creative brief specifying the type of Asian flowers they needed.

Flower Border


I’ve illustrated and designed the flower border inspired by Asian flowers. I have to create each element or part of the flower separately and bring them together in Photoshop for the final composition. It will be later imported into After Effects for animation. I made them using watercolor and Photoshop. 

Design and Motion


Studio: Odd Multimedia

Art Director & Illustrator: Jona Daluz

Motion Designer: Gab Daluz